Serving Our Community
About Us
Helping Seniors Stay Independant
Our Agency helps seniors in Southern Illinois stay independent. We provide community programs and resources on health and financial assistance. We also offer caregivers free training and resources.
The areas we serve include Illinois’ 13 southern most counties. Alexander, Franklin, Hardin, Gallatin, Jackson, Johnson, Massac, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Saline, Union, and Williamson County.
Our Agency
Our office is located at 200 E. Plaza Dr. in Carterville, Illinois (next to McDonalds). Plaza Drive is the frontage road on Illinois Route 13 near the Carterville crossroad.
We are a non-profit agency governed by a Board of Directors from all thirteen counties of our catchment area. They meet monthly and determine policy and approve the mission of the agency. Our Advisory Council meets every other month to review such items as services, funding, and program rules or policy. Our Board and Advisory Council members serve without compensation, except for reimbursement for travel to our meetings.
Although we received federal and state funds for aging programs, actually there are many other important sources of funds for aging programs. A large portion of the funding needed to operate aging programs comes from local communities and our program participants. See our Area Plan Summary for more information.
We administer funding for aging services in the southern thirteen counties of Illinois, but provide very few aging services directly. We receive federal and state funding and award it to local senior centers and other service provider agencies that provide service to older adults. Use this link to view aging services.
We plan, coordinate, and develop a comprehensive service system for older adults in the southern thirteen counties of Illinois. We also monitor issues that are important to older people and advocate on their behalf, such as monitoring other agencies to insure they provide services that are sensitive to the needs of older adults.
We publish information about social service agencies in our Aging and Disability Resource Guide. We are available to discuss aging services with community groups, other agencies, and the media.
Our staff are involved in many activities such as serving on various Boards and Councils that make policy that affects older adults, providing information and technical assistance to organizations, surveying older adults in the area to find out their needs, and developing new programs and funding sources.
We respond to requests from older persons for information and make referrals including employment assistance and training, and develop volunteer opportunities for older adults, especially with agencies that serve younger generations.
Become A Volunteer
Mission Statement
Helpings seniors stay independant within our communities of Southern Illinois.
Area Agencies on Aging were established by a federal law called the Older Americans Act. We are one of thirteen (13) Area Agencies in Illinois.
We promote the well-being of individuals by assisting them to maintain their independence in the community.
We serve senior adults, family caregivers of senior adults, families raising the children of their relatives, veterans, people with disabilities, and community volunteers in the southernmost thirteen counties of Illinois.
Funding Services: We administer federal and state funding that supports the programs and services provided through county senior centers and regional service agencies in southernmost Illinois. Nearly all of the services we sponsor are without charge, although there may be a voluntary suggested donation. Use this link to view the services we fund.
Planning: We develop an Area Plan every three years with information gathered from senior adults, community leaders, and service agencies. Our Plan describes the senior programs and services we intend to fund within our area.
Development: We create new programs and refine existing programs and services to meet the needs of our customers.
Coordination: We foster connections with other agencies to order to improve our customers’ access to services. Our staff are involved in many activities such as serving on various Boards and Councils that make policy that affects our customers, providing information and technical assistance to organizations, and conducting surveys.
Advocacy: We promote the interests of our customers by advocating for improved policies for new and existing programs.
Senior Employment: We assist individuals aged 55 and older with information about training and employment opportunities.
Information: We publish information for social service agencies including our Aging and Disability Resource Guide, and are available to discuss services with other agencies and the media. We respond to requests from our customers for information and to make referrals.
To serve as an advocate by representing the interests of our customers.
To conduct, coordinate, and implement social service programs in the southernmost thirteen counties in Illinois.
To improve the quality of life for our customers in southern Illinois by determining their needs, providing a mechanism to determine and establish priorities, and coordinating the development of service programs designed to meet such needs.
To receive funds from the Illinois Department on Aging, from all governmental agencies, and from non-governmental sources necessary to implement the purposes of the agency.
To make grants and execute contracts for the operation of service projects.
To monitor, evaluate and require reports and accountings by Subrecipients of grants and subcontractors.
To own, or otherwise acquire, use, convey, or otherwise dispose of, or to deal in real and personal property, or any interest therein, necessary to effectuate the purposes of the agency.
Aging is a wonderful journey filled with adventure.
“As we live our life, we not only experience adventure but gain knowledge and strength unique to our own environment, guided by our value system, and measured by our heart.”
John M. Smith, Executive Director
June 30, 2000
Advisory Council Meetings
The Egyptian AAA Advisory Council meets six times each year on the second Wednesday of every other month at 10:00 am.
The following is the template for our agenda:
- Call to Order / Roll Call.
- Minutes – Review and approval of minutes from the last meeting.
- Old Business – Any business remaining or tabled from the previous meeting.
- New Business – Recommendations to Board of any agency Policies & Procedures, grants for which the agency has/will apply, and grants made/will make to Subrecipients. Review of other topics of interest.
- Open Session – Comments from the public and others present (limited to 5 minutes per topic unless an extension is granted by the Chair).
- Other Reports – Reports on services provided by Egyptian AAA and Subrecipients.
- Adjournment.
Board of Directors Meetings
The Egyptian AAA Board of Directors normally meets monthly on the third Wednesday of the month at 10:00 am, with Committee meetings usually held immediately before.
The following is the template for our agenda:
- Call to Order / Roll Call.
- Board Minutes – Review and approval of minutes from the last meeting.
- Financial Report – Review and approval of agency’s monthly financial statement.
- Open Session – Comments from the public and others present (limited to 5 minutes per topic unless an extension is granted by the Board President).
- Old Business – Any business deferred or tabled from the previous meeting.
- New Business – Approval of agency Policies & Procedures, grants for which the agency has/will apply, and grants made/will make to Sub-recipients. Review of other topics of interest.
- Staff Activities & Updates – Staff reviews of the program/services provided in the last month, monitoring results of grantees, and other topics of interest.
- Board Training & Information – Training for the Board of Directors and topics of current interest.
- Other Reports – Reports on services provided by Egyptian AAA and Subrecipients.
- Adjournment.
The Egyptian Area Agency on Aging in Carterville is accepting nominations for its Board of Directors from residents of any age.
The Board of Directors decides policy concerning senior adult services for the southernmost thirteen counties.
The Egyptian Area Agency on Aging is also accepting nominations for its Advisory Council from residents of any age.
The Advisory Council advises the Board of Directors concerning senior adult services for the southernmost thirteen counties.
The meetings are held at the offices of the Egyptian Area Agency in Carterville. The Board meets the third Wednesday of each month in the morning and the Advisory Council meets on the second Wednesday of every other month in the morning.
Use this link to print a Nomination Form, or use the “Contact EAAA” link below.
Forms & Standards
Congregate Meal Registration Form – fill-in version
Congregate Meal Registration Form – print version
Board & Advisory Council – nomination form
HDM Delivery Worksheet – optional
HDM Universal Referral Form – fill-in
Home Modification of Rental Property Form
Menu Approval Certification Form
Nutrition Training: Food Safety on the Go
OAA Reporting Guidelines – Program Income & NSIP
Provider Record Keeping Log – optional
Soc. Iso. & Dementia Program Memo – optional
Soc. Iso. & Dementia Consent Form – optional
Soc. Iso. & Dementia Log Sheet – optional
Soc. Iso. & Dementia Observation Sheet – optional
Between EAAA & Subrecipients