Volunteer Program
Seniors Serving in Southern Illinois
All our Senior Volunteers must be 55+. The program is funded by a grant from AmeriCorps Seniors through the Corporation for National and Community Service.

RSVP of SI (Retired & Senior Volunteer Program of Southern Illinois) is a funded by a grant from AmeriCorps Seniors through the Corporation for National and Community Service and supports over 150 volunteers serving in the southern twelve counties of Illinois. The grant will expand volunteerism greatly and help communities grow in Southern Illinois.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of any community. Delivering meals, visiting the homebound, and tutoring our youth are building blocks for improving communities — and volunteers can help. RSVP Appreciation Event. Together with our partner agencies, we help Volunteers Make Communities GREAT!
Our vision is to be known in Southern Illinois as a reliable and dynamic source of rewarding volunteer opportunities that meet critical human and service needs in our communities. The idea is that RSVP of SI recruits and places hundreds of volunteers throughout the area into critical positions that help our communities serve its citizens.
RSVP of SI accepts volunteers of all ages but 55+ is our target audience and are the only ones able to receive benefits from our Americorp Seniors grant. Volunteers complete an enrollment form, receive pre-service orientation, and are trained by the local volunteer station for the task at-hand.
Volunteers are covered by our supplemental insurance. RSVP of SI’s insurance covers reimbursement for out-of-pocket costs for injuries and auto accidents that the volunteer’s primary insurance does not cover while they are volunteering. This insurance policy is limited to 1500.00 per accident. In addition, we reward our volunteers with unique RSVP gear (shirts, medals, awards, etc.) and appreciations throughout the year such as gift cards and monthly timesheet drawings.
Contact us and help…Volunteers Make Communities Great!
Anyone wishing to volunteer his or her services can call the RSVP of SI at 888.895.3306, ext. 113 or ext. 107.
Among the activities that the volunteers of RSVP of SI will provide include all of the following.
- Tutoring children in public and faith-based schools
- Delivering meals and food from pantries to homebound people
- Serving as companions to homebound people, including veterans
- Providing information and assistance about public benefits and services
- Serving organizations and children, senior adults, and veterans throughout Southern Illinois
Volunteers choose who, what, when, where, and how often they want to serve. Volunteers are asked to be committed for the long-term and between 2 and 40 hours a week at locations within their own community in Southern Illinois.
Volunteering helps individuals and their communities grow, makes a difference, and saves money for the organizations receiving the volunteers’ service. RSVP of SI’s volunteers give their time, talent, wisdom, and experience to their community. Volunteering also add to the volunteer’s own quality of life. By donating their time and skills, volunteers help make organizations achieve their goals. Finally, being a part of a national movement helps to transform America to be great.
Volunteers can choose from about many different volunteer stations located throughout Southern Illinois. The counties we serve in Southern Illinois include the following: Alexander, Franklin, Hardin, Gallatin, Jackson, Johnson, Massac, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Saline, Union, and Williamson County.
AmeriCorps Seniors is a program through the Corporation for National and Community Services, the federal agency for volunteering, service, and civic engagement. The national program is one of the largest volunteer networks in the nation for people age 55 and over. Volunteers use the skills and talents learned over their lifetime, and develop new ones, while serving in a variety of volunteer activities within their community.
Established in 1971, AmeriCorps Seniors engages Americans age 55 and over in “citizen service” that addresses the nation’s most pressing challenges. While serving, RSVP of SI volunteers also improve their own lives, staying active and healthy through service. A growing body of research points to mental and physical health benefits associated with volunteering.
In 2016, more than 208,000 volunteers served in communities across the country. Through community and faith-based organizations, RSVP volunteers nationally served more than 300,000 veterans, mentored more than 78,000 children, and provided independent living services to more than 797,000 older adults.
According to the annual Volunteering and Civic Life in America report, more than 21 million Americans age 55+ contributed more than 3.3 billion hours of service in their communities. Based on the Independent Sector’s estimate of the average value of a volunteer hour, their collective service provides a yearly economic benefit valued at $78 billion.
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Our volunteer program serves Illinois' 12 southern most counties. Alexander, Franklin, Hardin, Gallatin, Jackson, Johnson, Massac, Pope, Pulaski, Saline, Union, and Williamson County.