Counseling Senior Adults and Caregivers
Counseling For Seniors in Southern Illinois

Counseling allows senior adults and their caregivers, and families raising the children of their relatives, to speak with a trained counselor. Counseling sessions are usually conducted in the homes of the person and can be regularly scheduled or conducted as needed.
Counselors can help with feelings of depression, grieving, adjustments to loss, anxiety, caregiving, and many other issues common in stressful situations.
Unfortunately, counseling services are often difficult for senior adults to obtain. There are many reasons, among them are that many senior adults do not want to go to a community counseling center because of a stigma that is often placed on someone who does go there. In some instances, senior adults may not be able to leave their home to receive counseling because of physical limitations. Additionally, community counseling centers often do not have the funds necessary for a counselor to make routine home visits.
Because we recognize these and other difficulties, counseling services for older people have been one of our goals for many years.
Community counseling centers are funded to provide a broad range of services, and some of their funding is targeted to special groups, such as substance abusers. Shawnee Alliance offers an evidence-based method of dealing with depression called Healthy Ideas. Shawnee Alliance can be reach by using this link.
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We serve Illinois' 13 southern most counties. Alexander, Franklin, Hardin, Gallatin, Jackson, Johnson, Massac, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Saline, Union, and Williamson County.