Medicare Part B
Medical insurance for people aged 65 and older and individuals of any age who receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits for two or more years. Coverage includes physician care, outpatient hospital care, some services of home health care that Part A does not cover, other medically necessary services, and some preventive care or wellness services.
Most people should apply for Medicare at age 65 even if they decide to delay their retirement date (unless they are covered by their employer’s group health insurance). If someone fails to apply for Medicare at age 65 (there is a 7-month window to apply for the first time), they can enroll in Part B only during the open enrollment period annually, from January 1 to March 31 and in some instances, the monthly Part B premium may be more than the amount shown below.
Part B monthly premium depends on the beneficiaries’ income (see link below).
The Part B annual deductible- In 2024 you pay:
- The first $240 of your medical care.
Co-pay is used throughout this Website to mean coinsurance and copayment.
The Part B per visit co-pay is 20% of approved charges after the deductible is met. You may pay more if your doctor or medical supplier does not accept assignment from Medicare or Medicare does not find the procedure to be medically necessary. Always ask first!
Durable Medical Equipment– There is a 20% co-pay for the approved amount. You may pay more if the medical supplier does not accept assignment from Medicare or Medicare does not find the procedure to be medically necessary. Always ask first!
Laboratory services– are free for approved amounts.
Outpatient hospital services– You pay a set co-pay amount depending on the service.
Outpatient mental illness claims– you pay 20% of the costs for the initial visit (or review of medications) and 40% for treatment costs that Medicare approves.
Blood– you pay for the first 3 units, then 20% of the approved amount for additional pints of blood after meeting the deductible.
These figures may change each year.
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