Families Raising Children
Resources For Families in Southern Illinois

The EITC program helps reduce the income tax burden on low-income workers. It can reduce an eligible worker’s income liability, even below zero resulting in a “refund” to the worker. Illinois also adds a state EITC credit based on the federal EITC amount. There are special income rules for disabled veterans and the clergy (see source below).
To get EITC credits, the worker must file a Schedule EIC with their annual federal & state income tax returns.
The EITC requirements are:
- Have income from a job
- Have a social security number
- Be a US citizen or legal, resident alien
- Have no more than a certain amount of investment income
- Have income from a job at or below certain amounts, based on family size
Children may be natural children, grandchildren, siblings, nieces, or nephews; including adopted, foster, half, and step relatives. In addition, children must be:
- Younger than the worker or spouse and under age 19 or under 24 and a full-time student or permanently and totally disabled, and
- Live with the worker for more than six months of the taxable year
Source: IRS
These programs are comprised of six health insurance plans that provide a full range of health benefits to eligible children 18 years of age and younger, and their parents or relative caregivers. To be eligible, individuals must:
- 2 person household with monthly income between $2,063 to $6,204. Add up to $523 for each additional person in household. These amounts are between 133-400% of the federal poverty level (not including any set aside amounts.) Generally, families that have incomes above these amounts share a portion of the cost.
- Children are eligible until age 19.
- Adults must be either a parent or caretaker relative with a child under 19 years of age living in their home, or be a pregnant woman.
- For all plans, adults must live in Illinois and be U.S. citizens, or legal permanent immigrants in the country for a minimum of five years.
- Children and pregnant women must live in Illinois and are eligible regardless of citizenship or immigration status.
Children covered under All Kids Assist have no premiums or co-pay. For more information visit the All Kids website. Apply at a county office of the Illinois Dept. of Human Services or through the ABE website online.
Source: DHS
SNAP (food stamps) use this link to view SNAP information.
TANF helps with cash and other benefits for pregnant women and caregiver relatives raising one or more children. TANF can help pay for food, shelter, utilities, and expenses other than medical. Apply at a county office of the Illinois Dept. of Human Services or through the ABE website online.
To qualify for TANF, a person must:
- Have low income (contact DHS to obtain income guidelines)
- Pregnant women and families raising a child under age 19 who lives with them. A child who is 18 must be a full-time high school student. A pregnant woman (and her husband, if he lives with her) may qualify for help, even if they don’t have any other children
- Live in Illinois (may be homeless and still qualify)
- Be a U.S. citizen or meet certain immigration requirements
- Develop a plan for becoming self-sufficient and follow it
What services are offered under TANF?
- Time-limited cash assistance for basic needs, such as food, clothing, housing, etc.
- Transitional services to help families become independent, such as GED preparation, vocational training, postsecondary education, vocational rehabilitation, classes in basic English, help with child care, work stipends, job retention services, etc.
- Screening for issues related to substance abuse, mental health, and domestic violence, and referrals for available services to address them.
Source in IL: TANF DHS 586
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We serve Illinois' 13 southern most counties. Alexander, Franklin, Hardin, Gallatin, Jackson, Johnson, Massac, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Saline, Union, and Williamson County.